
Quality Medical Equipment for Quality Patient Care

FI Sales, LLC is pleased to offer Quality Medical Equipment for Quality Patient Care. Visit us at

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Parts for Kodak MXP 104

We just got one of life's little surprises recently. From 2003-2005, Kodak sold the MXP 104 x-ray film processor. It turns out that unit was made by Protec for Kodak, and it is exactly the same as the Protec OPTIMAX that we stock and offer today. The parts are identical, so we have begun offering replacement parts for the Kodak MXP 104. Carestream (Kodak) has now "discovered" FI Sales, and they are sending customers to FI Sales for MXP 104 parts. Nice little surprise for us and for practices that own a Kodak MXP 104. Now MXP 104 owners have a stocking source for parts in the USA.