Fischer Industries has been out of business since 2007. There are some folks that think that means parts for Fischer Industries x-ray film processors are no longer available. Not true! Since January of 2008, FI Sales has been providing tech support (at no charge), downloadable technical data from our Parts Webpage (at no charge), and parts for Fischer Industries x-ray film processors that you can order directly from our online Parts Store. We do not have a limited supply of some of the parts. We continue to restock popular Fischer parts to meet demand and plan to do so for as many years as the market requires parts. What other processor company offers tech support and parts for 25+ year old processor models? We have a Fischer Parts Reference Price List available for download from our Parts Webpage.
So if you have an old Fischer Industries x-ray film processor that needs parts, just tell your dealer to get the parts they need from FI Sales, LLC. We are available toll free at 1-888-972-9777 or email us at