When it was announced in July of 2014 that Konica Minolta was ceasing production of the SRX-101A, we were able to offer alternatives. There are still dedicated x-ray film users that are just not ready, willing or able to make the jump to digital at this time, but they may need a new processor. Or they may not want to have to sell a kidney to get the money required to make a huge investment in SRX-101A repair parts when they could purchase a new processor for a similar price. So what are the options?
We at FI Sales like to think that we offer an excellent option in the Protec ECOMAX tabletop x-ray film processor.
The ECOMAX is about half of what a Konica Minolta SRX-101A used to cost, so it is an inexpensive investment to make while waiting to make the move to digital imaging.
The ECOMAX is a high-quality, German-made product that does not sacrifice quality to get a low price. Clever design engineering that makes the ECOMAX the simplest fully-automatic x-ray film processor in the world also makes it so inexpensive. We have sold thousands in over 10 years, and we can attest through minimal replacement parts sales that the Protec ECOMAX is made to last. Each Protec ECOMAX ships with a 1 year parts warranty.
The ECOMAX certainly does not have all the features that the SRX-101A had. For example, the ECOMAX is a single speed unit, while the SRX-101A is a 3-speed unit. But unless you want a processor that can be used for general radiography, mammography, etc., then multiple speeds on a processor is just an expensive option that drives up the price. Click the link to see all the features that the ECOMAX does offer.
If for any reason the ECOMAX cannot meet your imaging needs, perhaps the Protec OPTIMAX can. It has more features and is correspondingly more expensive. More details on all our processors can be found on our processor webpage.
So if you are without a good alternative for the Konica Minolta SRX-101A, we hope you consider our line of Protec processors, especially the ECOMAX. Use the highlighted links to connect with us online, email us at info@fisalesllc.com, or call us toll-free at 1-888-XRAY-777 (1-888-972-9777).